The Book
JUSTICE DENIED is a shocking and timely memoir of one man’s journey through “the American system of justice,” exposing its failings.
JUSTICE DENIED is available on Amazon. Kirkus Reviews gave it a glowing review.
“A stirring legal drama made more thrilling by sharp, journalistic prose.”-Kirkus Reviews
“Justice Denied is valiant in its effort to expose the failure of our criminal justice system to live up to its ideal, much as we are seeing today in other institutions of government such as the IRS, NSA, and Department of Justice. I recommend this book to anyone who cares about our system of justice. Howell puts in stark relief how it has become institutionally corrupted.”
Arthur P. Strickland, Attorney,
former United States Federal Magistrate Judge
“Howell Woltz’s story is all too common in recent years. Defense attorneys have grown too cozy with prosecutors or have forgotten their role of zealous advocacy on behalf of their clients, resulting in the nightmare experienced by Howell and others.”
Randolph M. James, P.C., Attorney
“This book is not only a page-turner of a story; it is a must-read for anyone who wants to know what is wrong with our system of justice and how to fix it. Howell lived it and exposed the skeletons. He has walked the walk and talked the talk. This book is incredible.”
Charlie Engle, Producer, Author,
Ultra Marathoner and former Federal Prisoner
Here are my books:
Book 1
My latest book
Book 2
Still selling well—with an award-winning documentary film made from it (
Book 3
Best-seller on Amazon in its category. This book was used to design the Trump Administration Committee’s First Step Act legislation.
Book 4
This book lays out a roadmap for restoring the United States to its constitutional roots. Topics range from ending unlawful federal departments and the Federal Reserve to stopping military adventurism abroad.
Book 5
The Climate Hoax was planned long ago as a means of subduing human freedoms, and this tells the story—with the real science proving its falsity.
Book 6
This is a novel, the second in a series after The Lawyer’s Guild, about retaking our world from the powers that have usurped it.
Book 7
The original in the novel series, The Lawyers Guild, is a journey through the corrupt system of ‘justice’ and how it could be fixed!
© 2024 Howell Woltz